Let's get to it. Set your reminders for the following Kelly Terrell Art opportunities, because the studio is open!


Regular studio sessions will go live Tuesday, January 10th at 8:00 pm. We will be releasing one month at a time, so here's what will be available!
5 sessions on Wednesday, January 18th
3:30, 4:30 and 5:30 sessions on Wednesdays in February.
8:00 and 9:00 on Thursdays in February.
6 sessions on Monday, February 20th (President's Day)
You will first reserve your session date and time. Then, we will discuss all the artsy details to customize your Kid Art Commission. *If you are in early January or early February, I need to know your canvas size(s) asap.* You will receive an email with a form to fill out + all your need to know information for your session!
The next order window for custom stationery is January 14-22. If your family has already created your Kid Art Commission...thank you! This opportunity for custom stationery is for you. Haven't created in the studio yet? No worries! We will have another order seasonally.
We will send out a link on the 14th for you to orders yours!